OM System Announces the New M.Zuiko 90mm f/3.5 Macro IS PRO Lens

OM System has announced a new 90mm true macro professional lens, which macro photographers have longed for.

This new lens promises to be a revolution in macro photography. True macro has at least 1:1 magnification, akin to placing the subject on the sensor. Lesser lenses misrepresent the term and have only 1:2 or ½ magnification or less, which is not true macro. This new lens improves on the definition of macro, having 2:1 magnification, doubling the size of the image. Furthermore, add a 2x teleconverter to the lens, and then, the magnification is doubled again. Consequently, with this lens, one won't have to be so close to the subject, making it easier to get macro shots of insects.

The lens has built-in image stabilization, which works in tandem with the in-body image stabilization of the OM System cameras in a system they call Sync-IS. That will give you up to seven stops compensation when used with a compatible body, such as the OM-1. Photographers should be able to handhold and focus stack macro shots with this lens.

It is equipped with the same IP53 weather sealing as their newest camera, including the OM-1 and OM-5. It is also freezeproof down to 14°F (-10°C). It weighs approximately 0.95 lbs (453 g).

The lens has a focus limiter switch and the manual focus clutch, a quick way to swap between manual and autofocus and one that is far less fiddly than a switch. The lens also allows in-camera focus stacking and focus bracketing with compatible cameras.

Of course, a 90mm lens isn't just for macro; one can also take advantage of that close focusing distance for creative landscape work. Its lightness will make it a great travel prime lens, and it can also be used for portraits and still life, as well as photographing some wildlife.

Specifications of the M.Zuiko 90mm f/3.5 Macro IS PRO Lens

Lens Construction

Lens configuration

  • 18 elements in 13 groups
  • 2 SED lens elements
  • 4 ED lens elements
  • 1 Super HR element
  • 1 HR element
  • Closest focusing distance: 0.224 m
  • Maximum image magnification: 2.0x
  • 7 aperture blades 

There is a discussion with top macro photographer Aaron Harivel about the lens in the following video:

The lens is available to pre-order and will be available in the USA from early March. Europe has access slightly earlier in late February. It is priced at $1,499, £1,299, and €1,499. I'm looking forward to using this lens and will review it here in the near future.

Ivor Rackham's picture

A professional photographer, website developer, and writer, Ivor lives in the North East of England. His main work is training others in photography. He has a special interest in supporting people with their mental well-being. In 2023 he accepted becoming a brand ambassador for the OM System.

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1 Comment

Very cool. I am fascinated by the OM System. At some point I definitely want to give it a try.