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Gion-Andri Derungs's picture

Parasitoid Wasp (Braconidae)

I found that little Parasitoid Wasp (Braconidae) on a pile of wood. Usually the lay eggs into the wood. I like the bright orange and the shiny black.

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Wow, are they ever good.

Thank you again. She was very cooperative. but also a little busy. ;)

Nice ones! the face looks so friendly for a wasp.

Thank you Troy. She wasn't aggressive. This tiny round face also looks really friendly.

I'm jealous!! Sure beautiful!! Fabulous picture! Perfectly sharp so you can see the little hairs on her face and the background is nice and creamy! It's crazy how her face seems to project sweetness - considering she's a wasp. 5 stars from me!!

Thank you very much Elizabeth, much appreciated. I think it's coming all from that round, child like face.

Very good indeed ! kudos !

Thank you Ian! ;)