Herbert A. Franke's picture

National- and University Library of Strasbourg_2

The new staircase in the National and University Library of Strasbourg. Location: 6, place de la République, F–67070 Strasbourg
The Paris office ANMA gives new life to the interior of France's second largest library and enriches it with a strong spatial gesture.
The spacious, gently sloping staircase in the foyer takes you through the entrance to the reception, the new center of the library.

Canon 5D Mark IV, Sigma 12-24mm f/4 DG HSM Art
12 mm · f/8,0 · 1/20 sec · ISO 100
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Herbert is this the view looking up through your previous image?

Yes Paul, that's from the previous picture,
the look up at the ceiling. Thank you very much for your like. Greetings Herbert

excellent Sir

Thank you very much, Marius. Greetings Herbert