Trending Photography News and Reviews

Your Moment of Film Photography Zen: Wandering the Mojave Desert With a Leica M6

Whether you’re shooting for fun or for work, in the rush of modern life it can be all too easy to lose sight of the joy of photography. In this short, meditative interlude with no words, there’s plenty of inspiration to be found in just watching another photographer enjoying their own photography.

The Full Frame Cult Is Getting Tiring

I wish we’d all just move on. The format that used to be a compromise between image quality and price in the film days is nowadays being taken as the sole possibility for a serious photographer, and if you are not part of the gang, you apparently deserve to be ridiculed.

A Review of the Fujifilm GF 55mm f/1.7R WR Lens

Fujifilm's GFX line of medium format cameras and lenses have quickly expanded to become impressively versatile, capable of tackling applications traditionally reserved for full frame and smaller formats. The GF 55mm f/1.7R WR continues that trend by offerings an unusually wide maximum aperture along with a neutral and flexible focal length, making it an attractive option for many different uses. How does it hold up in real-world usage? This excellent video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect.