Trending Photography News and Reviews

How to Achieve Vibrant, Three-Dimensional Images With These Easy Steps in Lightroom

Transforming the tedious task of color grading from a Photoshop layer-heavy process to a streamlined Lightroom slider manipulation is a real game-changer. This simplification not only speeds up the workflow but also offers precision and creativity, making it a significant advancement for you if you're looking to elevate the quality of your images with less hassle.

The Real Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Light Modifiers

I get a lot of commentary on using expensive photo equipment, most notably lighting. Fair enough, a $400 softbox is not for everyone, and most people find it ridiculous to use a modifier this expensive. However, there are good reasons to use such tools. Here is why.

Are Old Lenses Any Good on Modern Cameras?

One of the greatest aspects of mirrorless cameras is that you can adapt just about any SLR lens to them, making it easy to take full advantage of decades worth of lenses to explore your creativity or find an often much more affordable alternative to modern lenses. Are they worth the cost and effort, though? This great video discusses the issue.

Canon's Smart Move With Sigma and Tamron Shakes Up the APS-C Lens Market

The recent introduction of new lenses for Canon's RF-S mount by third-party manufacturers Sigma and Tamron is a significant development for the industry. These lenses, all designed for APS-C format cameras, are a significant development that reveals Canon's strategic approach to its mirrorless camera lineup.

The Perfect Frames for Your Photos

Finding the perfect print option for your images can be daunting. Figuring out which paper to use is just the first part of the task. At least equally important for a printed photo's visual appeal is the right frame choice. And in this article, I show you frames that can elevate your images.

Why Wedding Photography Is Harder Than It Seems

Many new photographers will find themselves in or around wedding photography at some point — it is the inevitable call of those who take even a reasonable image. But, don't be fooled, it's harder than it seems.
News and Analysis: The OM-1 Mark II and Two New Lenses Are Announced

OM Digital Solutions has announced an upgrade to their popular OM-1. The Mark II version has the same sensor and processor, but the development has concentrated on a much larger memory and buffer, improved dials, and a range of new features that will appeal especially to wildlife and landscape photographers.

5 Photography Breakthroughs That Will Transform Your Images

Understanding the fundamentals of photography is crucial for capturing worthwhile images. While technical aspects like camera settings and equipment are important, developing a keen eye for light, composition, and storytelling is what truly elevates your photography.

Canon's Most Important Cameras Inch Closer to Release

The excitement surrounding the imminent release of the Canon EOS R1 and R5 Mark II is palpable, with retailers gearing up and training sessions underway, meaning we're getting even closer to seeing the next generation of Canon powerhouses.

You Wish You Could Own This Lens

Capturing the perfect shot often requires a delicate balance between focal length, image quality, and portability. Finding a lens that excels in all three areas can feel like searching for a mythical creature. That's why lenses like these make us drool.

Tiny But Mighty: We Review the Fujifilm X-S20 Mirrorless Camera

The Fujifilm X-S20 is here, and it truly feels like a complete package for enthusiasts, hobbyists, vloggers, content creators, and a combination of all of the above. It's a small camera body packed with many professional features. So what’s the catch? Is there one?

Can I Learn Photography on My Own?

I have heard many different questions from those interested in photography, from staples such as "What is the best camera" to more obscure inquiries, such as "Is photography dying?" For some reason, the question in this article's title caught me more off guard than most.
The Power of Telephoto Lenses in Landscape Photography

When you think of landscape photography, does a wide angle lens come to mind as the go-to choice for capturing the vast beauty of nature? While wide angle lenses undoubtedly excel at framing expansive vistas and foreground elements, the importance of having a telephoto lens in your bag for landscape photography should not be underestimated. Let's explore the often-overlooked role of telephoto lenses in landscape photography. You will discover how telephoto lenses can enhance your creative possibilities, capture stunning details, and unlock new perspectives in your landscape images.

Student Photography Awards Do Not Cater for All Photography Students

The Sony World Photography Awards, a recognized platform for emerging talents, has come under scrutiny for its age limit policies within its Student award category. There's a growing concern about the fairness of age limits that exclude mature students, with questions raised about imposing an upper age limit of 30 years for participants in the student category.

iPhone 15 Pro Dynamic Range Test

It's a few days after the iPhone 15 and 15 Pro have been made available, and everyone is sharing their opinions about the phone, the cameras, and the new features that Apple has added in their latest and greatest (yet) iPhone release. Something that has always been difficult to get is the raw details of how well iPhone camera sensors perform. This year, one of the features that was highlighted in the Apple presentation was the phone's ability to connect external media via the USB-C port. This allows you to hig- quality video (using the new Apple Log and ProRes codecs) to an external SSD, or as some have experimented and found out, you can even save files to an SD card via an adapter.

The Sony 70-200mm f/4 G II Takes a Huge Leap in Evolution: We Review

In a time when older cameras and lenses are getting new updated versions left and right, one of the best things to see is when the piece of gear gets an entirely new purpose. This is definitely something that no one expected from the new Sony f/4 telephoto lens.

The Powerful Benefits of Photography for Mental and Physical Health

Photography is not just about capturing beautiful images; it is a powerful tool that can positively impact our mental and physical well-being. Whether you are an amateur or a seasoned photographer, picking up a camera and immersing yourself in the art of photography can bring numerous advantages to your overall health. In this post, let's explore the remarkable benefits that photography offers for both mental and physical well-being.

How Todd Hido Creates His Landscape Photographs

I recently was introduced to photographer Todd Hido in Jason Momoa’s docuseries on HBO. Momoa has a real affinity for Todd. I wish I had a fan like that; if you watch the show, you will see what I mean.
Transform Your Photos With Only One or Two Lights

Mastering light in photography is essential, whether one is working with the natural glow of the sun or artificial studio setups. Understanding how to manipulate light with just one or two sources can transform the quality of your work, making the subject stand out in ways that are both subtle and profound.

There Will Likely Be a Canon EOS R3 Mark II

The Canon EOS R3 was an impressive camera and represented a new camera line for the company, as Canon was abundantly clear that the R3 was not a replacement for a flagship EOS R1. As such, many people wondered if the EOS R3 would be a one-and-done camera meant as a stop-gap until the arrival of the EOS R1 or if Canon would release a second-generation model. It seems the latter is the case, with an EOS R3 Mark II planned for 2025.

Essential Maintenance Tips for /keeping Your Printer Happy

Maintaining your printer is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Neglecting regular upkeep can lead to issues like dust buildup, ink clogs, and paper jams, ultimately affecting print quality and potentially shortening the lifespan of your printer.

Five Places in Cornwall You Must Photograph

Cornwall is one of those places I cannot get enough of. I've visited three times over the past years and can't wait to be back. In this article, I show you five of my favorite photo locations in Cornwall.

How to Shoot Film at Night

If you heard a modern digital camera could only reach as high as ISO 1600 or 3200, you might think it was a very limited device. Such is the case with film, though. That does not mean you can't shoot it a night, though; in fact, it can be quite rewarding, especially if you enjoy long exposures. This great video tutorial discusses shooting film at night (particularly long exposures) and how to go about it to come home with the best images possible.

Building Your Photography Brand on Instagram

In the age of digital portfolios and online presence, photographers need to go beyond stunning visuals to truly connect with their audience and secure bookings. Building a strong social media strategy, particularly on Instagram, is crucial to showcase your work, establish your brand, and attract potential clients.

Don't Overlook This Powerful Color Grading Secret in Lightroom

Mastering post-processing techniques is just as crucial as understanding camera settings and composition. While tools like exposure and contrast adjustments are commonly used, Lightroom offers a hidden gem that can elevate your color grading to a whole new level. This often-overlooked feature holds immense potential for refining colors and creating stunning visual effects.

Winter Intimacies: A Photographer's Guide to Small-Scale Landscapes

Exploring the nuances of intimate landscapes in winter photography, this awesome video tutorial looks into the art of capturing smaller, detailed scenes in a wintery woodland setting. This topic is particularly interesting, as it challenges the conventional focus on grand vistas, encouraging a more thoughtful and detailed approach to capturing the essence of a season or location.

ON1 Photo Raw 2024 Is a Doozy and Gets Another Interim Update

On1 Photo Raw is a comprehensive image processing tool designed for photographers. It includes asset management, image development, and editing, plus a host of AI-driven tools, including noise reduction and deblurring. The latest update improves the performance of these tools.

Charles Brooks: Architecture in Music Interview

Jumping back to an article I just wrote on how to speed up your career by 10 years, We Eat Together suggested “finding your passion and photographing the hell out of it.” That is what exactly New Zealand-based photographer Charles Brooks did in his recent photo series, Architecture in Music.

My Tribute to Alyn Wallace

The photography world was stunned on March 29 as we heard the news that Alyn Wallace, a popular and incredible astrophotographer, has sadly passed away. In this article, I want to pay tribute to Alyn.

Landscape Photography in the Middle of the Day

Most of the time, when you think of landscape photography, you probably think of golden hour, with soft and warm light spilling across the scene. And while that can make for fantastic images, if you restrict yourself to just a few hours a day, you are missing out on quite a few opportunities. This great video tutorial shows you the benefits of landscape photography in the middle of the day.

One Easy Way You Can Film BTS of Your Photo/Video Shoots

Look, I think we've all been there, none of us want to have to bring extra stands, tripods/monopods, or even extra cameras just to get behind-the-scenes images (BTS for short from here on out) or video for our websites or social media, even though we'd all love to have that content. After some trial and error, I think I've landed on a fun and flexible solution by using a 360 action camera but there are some things to know before you get started so let’s get into it.

Finding Peace and Inspiration in Photographic Solitude

As photographers, we often grapple with the question of whether to pursue our craft alone or in the company of others. Both approaches offer unique benefits and challenges, and the ideal balance varies depending on individual preferences and creative goals. While collaboration can provide valuable support and inspiration, solitude can offer a space for quiet reflection, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with the natural world.

Made For Travelling And Vlogging? A Preview of Sony FE 16-25mm f/2.8 G

Sony released a rather odd lens a few days ago. The FE 16-25mm f/2.8 G is neither a replacement for the GMaster nor the cheaper f/4. It is its own odd thing. What is its purpose? Where does it fit in the lineup? Does purchasing it make sense? For some, it most definitely might. Not for all, though.

Accessories To Optimize Your iPad or Tablet for On-The-Go Editing

If you want to pack light everyday and still be able to get a lot of work done, a tablet can definitely step up for some of the post-production work that you do. With the help of these tools, you’ll be able to fully utilize the capabilities of your tablet computer.

Printer Ink: It's a SCAM

We all know that printer companies hook you with a cheap printer and then make their money with overpriced ink. I just didn't know it was this bad.
We Review the Lume Cube XL Tube Light

Tube lights are all the rage. So, when a new one comes on the market, it better have some type of stand-out feature to differentiate it from the pack.

A Look at the Incredible New Sony a9 III Mirrorless Camera

Sony's a9 III is one of the most important cameras to hit the market in a long time, finally bringing to the masses the holy grail of a global shutter in a full frame camera. What do you get from a camera so jam-packed with groundbreaking features? This excellent video review takes a look at everything you can expect.