Trending Posts in Wildlife Photography


A bear journeying through the barnacle encrusted rocks on his way to the daily Smörgåsbord.

Faux Hibernation

The climate doesn't often become inhospitable enough in these parts for the bears to completely shut down. They just...

It's Been A Difficult Climb, But I'm Almost At The Top!

A young cub struggles to climb the tallest rock he can find...

Standing Tall

A bear showing off her recent catch.

And That's The Day The Teddy Bear Had It's Picnic!

A bear feasting on it's freshly caught salmon. She had a busy morning. She caught 3 in a row and had to stash them on...

Traversing The Treeline

A local sow walking the treeline.

Sitting Pretty

Preparing to bitchslap the first fish that dares come up his stream...

You Shall Not Pass!

End of the road, little fish.


This mother felt 30 meters was too close to her and the cubs. Needless to say we packed up and left.

The Waiting Game

A new bear to the area, dissuaded by the immediate lack of fish.


A bear waiting for the fish run.

Why I Otter

Otter dragging a halibut onto the rocks for a mid-day feast.



Sex in my meadow

This is a too busy image but Dragon and Damsel flies are some of the most colorful insects on earth. I caught these two...

golden eye

this saltwater crocodile (about 3.5 metres in length) lives in a waterhole close to a shack I own about an hour south...

A walk in my garden

I took a walk in my garden today and was amazed at the many beautiful insects that have made their homes there.

little egret (Egretta garzetta)

hey are very skittish and you have to be very careful when they take flight. If they stretch their necks, it means that...

Life and death in the meadow

Certainly not the prettiest images I’ve ever taken but they are dramatic and true to life. I’ve taken macro images for...

Little Blue Heron terror of the pond

This little heron was terrorizing the frogs and tadpoles in my pond. In one image a tadpole is looking into oblivion.

Great Blue Herons

Awesome bird to study. These were photographed at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine, California