The Final Battle

Large composite piece using 3D posed figures and various overlay assets to bring it together. I was aiming for chaotic...

Anybody else using MidJourney AI in the work?

Anybody else using MidJourney AI in the work? I have tried to add it as a source for stock type of images but not seen...

Blue Sky

Constructive Criticism.

Vintage Harley

Gotta love those ol' bikes

In Transit

This is a self portrait. What do you think it represents?

Fishing Dock


Obsidian Fury

Long time ago I bought this toy on Amazon to make some pictures for composites of one of my favorite movies, Pacific...

'Hello World'

For the technically curious, the full lighting setup consisted of 4 Godox speedlights mounted on a beauty dish as key...


What began as a light test self-portrait, ended as a surreal distortion of reality... f7.1/ss125/ISO200...overhead...


Constructive criticism is welcomed


constructive criticism

Self doubt

Composite portrait from 3 pictures. 1/160sec, F7.1, 50mm, ISO100

Mission Objective - 2 & 3

New images from my US army WWII shoot back in july! It's so great to finally produce something dynamic like this series...

"Turn me ON"

Cyborg portrait of a dancer.

Hello every one,

Iàm new at Fstoppers (no response hihi) a Dutch photographer that likes to combine my creative thoughts from the photo`...

Can you guess what this is?

So, whatcha think?



I composed these.

What do you folk's think about these? Any comments for grown in this field would be helpful. Thanks!

Fantasy Photo manipulations

Hi everyone, Iam new here from the Netherlands and this will be my first post. I love to be creative with my camera...

'Fleeting Moments'

A simple, yet strong composite,with a story and feeling. Likely settings:ss125/200iso/F7.1 -Shot in studio, beauty dish...