Necessary Items for a Successful Photo Studio

Photography studios can be very profitable if you create them the right way. Photography studios can earn you $100K in medium markets and up to $200K+ in some of the larger markets. In addition to photographers renting the studio, there are other alternative methods to booking your studio day and night. There are workshops, yoga classes, private dinners, and even YouTubers needing a space regularly.

Items to Include for Free

You’ll need to provide the people who rent from you many options and be intentional. How to set up a photo studio with intention? You should provide enough that your clients can do their job and provide enough solutions if they wish to upgrade their experience.

That means you must offer many items as part of the rental and then offer some other items that will save them time, money, and energy. If you do it correctly, the studio should prosper and you become a local favorite amongst other artists.

  • Studio Lights: Simple setup with a couple of umbrellas
  • C-Stands: Because you need real stands for real creatives
  • Sandbags for Safety: Decrease your liability
  • Studio V-Flats: Overpriced cardboard that is necessary
  • A Rolling Cart for Photographers: A private and portable space for the photographer
  • Mini-Fridge: We all like cold drinks
  • Glam Station: Daylight balance and LED
  • Community Board: Support the community 
  • Studio Apple Boxes: Photographers are short, models are tall
  • Full-length Mirror:100% necessary
  • Blackout Curtains: Turn natural light studio into total blackout to control the lighting

Items to Include for Rental

The list of items to offer with the studio is long and necessary. There are other items that you should carry, and they are profitable. You asked how to set up a photo studio, and I got you! Now, let’s go to the items you can rent out and how much could go for!

  • Good Speakers: $8-10 per rental
  • Fold-up Table: $5-7 per rental
  • Fold-up Chairs: $2-3 per chair rental
  • Rolling Racks: $5-10 per rack
  • Clothing Steamer: $10 per steamer
  • Access to Catering: 10% Commission 
  • Seamless Paper: $2 per feet
Walid Azami's picture

Walid Azami is a Photographer/Director and creative consultant from Los Angeles. He got his start working with Madonna + Co by contributing to her many projects. It was then he realized his place in the creative world & began teaching himself photography. He has since shot Kanye, Mariah Carey, Usher, Bernie Sanders, JLO, amongst others

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1 Comment

I believe the most important thing to do is to require the renter to have sufficient insurance, it protects the studio owner from damage done by renters. I would not supply anything anything other than the space, makeup space, electricity and rest rooms, anything else can be rented if desired. A separate locked room containing available gear and list of those items is needed and should be comparable to other local rental houses and studios.