Trending Photography News and Reviews

The Camera That Follows Me Everywhere

Early on as photographers, advice you often receive is to take your camera everywhere. I did this as a beginner and have advised others to do the same. That said, this camera is one I carry for a different reason, and here’s why.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Photoshop's New Generative Fill Tool

Photoshop's new Generative Fill feature has been capturing the imaginations of a ton of creatives in the past week or so, and it offers a lot of potential for a wide array of different applications. Like any other tool, though, it pays to know it well so you can get the best results from it. This great video tutorial discusses five common mistakes that can derail the tool and what you can do to get the most from it.

How to Create Dreamy Light for Landscape Photos in Lightroom

In the realm of landscape photography, post-processing can transform a good image into a great one, and that means mastering tools like Lightroom is essential. This helpful video tutorial will show you a useful technique for making dreamy light in a landscape image using the program.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Photos and Lightroom Catalog Safe

Imagine the moment your computer stops working. It contains thousands of photos and a Lightroom Classic catalog. Imagine if all the work and effort you put into it is gone. The risk can be minimized when you take care of four or five things.

The Best Apple Laptops for Demanding Video Editing

Choosing the right Apple laptop for 4K video editing can be a daunting task, especially with the multitude of options available. If you are wondering which model is right for your needs and budget, check out this helpful video guide that will show you three different options.

A Review of the Impressive Acer Swift X 14 Laptop

The Acer Swift X 14 Laptop offers a wide range of modern features, but perhaps the most exciting is its OLED screen, which promises stunning contrast and vibrant colors, making it an intriguing option for many creatives. Is it the right option for you? This excellent video review takes a look at the laptop and the sort of performance and experience you can expect from it.

Why Wedding Photography Is Harder Than It Seems

Many new photographers will find themselves in or around wedding photography at some point — it is the inevitable call of those who take even a reasonable image. But, don't be fooled, it's harder than it seems.
Finding Fulfillment in Photography: The True Value of Photography Goals

Photography, much like any artistic or professional pursuit, thrives on the establishment of clear goals. Setting objectives not only provides direction but also serves as a catalyst for growth, pushing creatives to explore new territories, techniques, and perspectives.

We Review The Automated Blog Generator From Focal

If you’re like me, then writing a blog for your website is probably the last thing on your mind. But content creation doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, it can be downright simple.

How to Remove Overexposed Hot Spots on a Subject Using Photoshop

Hot spots can be quite frustrating, as they can be a significant distraction on an otherwise compelling photo and are not particularly easy to remove. It is not impossible to get rid of them, though. This awesome video tutorial will show you everything you need to know to even out those hot spots using Photoshop.

Sleek and Modern: Here is why you Should Print your Images on Metal

Every photographer knows that moment when you realize you have created a special image. Those images deserve to be printed, and there are times when paper and frames just won't do. Metal Prints take the art of printing to the next level. In this article, we discuss why you might want to invest in Metal Prints.

Handcrafting the Image: The Art of Analog Photography

The transformative power of analog photography and handcrafted image processing is a captivating journey back to the roots of photographic artistry, offering a tangible connection to the creative process that is often lost in the digital age.

Photography Opinions That We Should Burn

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the photography community is an opinionated bunch, and to make matters worse, there are a lot of people outside of the community who are opinionated about it too! So, let's take the edge off by sharing the worst photography opinions and why they should be condemned to history.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Natural Portrait Retouching in Photoshop

Achieving a polished yet natural look in portrait photography is a crucial skill for any photographer. Balancing skin tones, removing blemishes, and enhancing features without creating an artificial appearance requires a keen eye and the right techniques.

Landscape Photography With the Nikon 24-200mm

A 24-200mm is a zoom lens with such a range of focal lengths that it makes it perfect for a walkaround lens. The question is, how good is it at the extremes and how useful is it in the wild? In this video, Nigel Danson takes it on a landscape shoot to see how it performs.
A Guide to Unifying Skin Tones in Photoshop

Unifying skin tones in portraits is a pivotal skill that directly impacts the final quality of an image. This helpful video tutorial addresses the common challenge of mismatched or uneven skin tones, which can detract from the cohesiveness and aesthetic appeal of an image.

Do You Really Need a Tilt-Shift Lens?

Tilt-shift lenses were once must-have equipment for certain genres of photography, particularly architecture, as they allowed photographers a high level of control in order to correct geometric issues and produce the highest quality images. Nonetheless, cameras have come a long way in recent years, and modern editing software can produce small miracles. So, do you still need a tilt-shift lens? This interesting video essay discusses the issue.

Five Tips for Better Mountain Photos

I've always been fascinated by the mountains and the sweeping views they provide to the ones putting in the work and climbing to the top. For landscape photographers like me, they provide endless photo opportunities and inspiration. In this article, I share five tips to help you make your next mountain trip a success.

A Gamechanger for Planning Your Night Photography

PhotoPills might be the most popular app for planning photoshoots. However, there is another feature-rich app that can do even more. In this video, Alyn Wallace shows the app Planit Pro and some of its unique features.

What's The Best Advice for Turning Pro as a Photographer?

We've all needed help on the path to becoming photographers. Did some great advice help get you there? Advice may help you out of a bind or may help you to understand something you can't quite get the hang of. Of course, advice may also lead you down the wrong road. So, once you receive advice, you have to determine the value of the guidance. Is it good or bad advice? I asked a few photography colleagues to share the best advice they've received on turning pro. I'd love to hear about good advice you've been given, or good advice you'd like to share on turning pro.

A Photographer's Review of the New Google Pixel 8 Pro Smartphone

The new Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphone is here, and the company continues to place some pretty neat photography innovations in their devices. This excellent video review takes a look at the new phone, particularly its photo features, and shows the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

5 Easy Speedlight Photography Setups to Take Your Images to the Next Level

Just like most photographers, my off-camera flash journey began with the purchase of a speedlight and some inexpensive triggers. Many photographers will tell you that as soon as you get a speedlight, you need to acquire proper off-camera flash units. However, there are still many things you can do with a speedlight, and in this article, I will show you some of them.

The Robots Are Coming, but There's One Thing They Can't Touch

We've always known that robots are coming for all of our jobs, but in the past year, we've started to see them clank out of the shadows. There are few areas that are safe from their shiny mitts, but there is one thing that is impossible for AI to replicate and usurp.
Is This the Best Low-Cost Full Frame Mirrorless Camera?

The Canon EOS R8 full frame mirrorless camera is one of the more affordable options out there, but it is not so cheap that it does not come with many of the features professionals need. The EOS R8 sits in an intriguing position, offering a nice balance of capabilities and price, and this excellent video review takes a look at the features and performance you can expect from it in practice.

A Review of the Leica Vario-Elmar-SL 100-400mm f/5-6.3 Lens

The L mount has opened up certain Leica lenses to many photographers and filmmakers, promising the company's legendary image quality in a variety of options. One such lens is the Vario-Elmar-SL 100-400mm f/5-6.3, which offers a versatile focal length for a wide range of applications, such as wildlife and sports photography. This excellent video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

How To Find Your Authentic Voice in Photography

Authenticity is the holy grail of being an artist. If you’ve managed to find your own authentic voice, you’ve achieved more than most photographers will ever do. I won't lie to you: it takes time to find your own authentic voice. Here are some steps that you can take to find yours.

How to Batch Process Noise Reduction in Lightroom

Lightroom's new AI-powered noise reduction is a remarkable step forward for the program, giving users powerful capabilities for working with high-ISO photos without having to ever leave the program. The one drawback is that the noise reduction can take a bit of time, particularly if you are using an older computer. So, if you are working with a large batch of photos, it is important to ensure you have set up your workflow for optimal efficiency. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to do just that.

My Three Wishes for Nikon

It’s the time of year again for my 100% non-scientific, not-based-on-actual fact, purely speculative wonderings about the future of my main camera brand.

A Review of the Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 R LM WR Lens

The Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 R LM WR offers photographers a longer telephoto focal length in tandem with a wide aperture, making it an intriguing option for portrait and wedding photographers among others. This excellent video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in practice.