Matthias Jurisch's picture


Available light outdoor

Canon 10D Canon 85mm
85mm · f/2.8 · 1/250th · ISO 100
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For some reason our typical fstopper reviewer tends to rate portraits low either 1 or 2 stars. It's obvious they lack an eye for good portraiture or their standards are so high that no one can reach them. It's BS! This is definitely a 4 star (excellent) portrait. Good work!

Thank you Ron...but I am not really reaching for the stars...beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I bet if she was wearing a tiny bikini the rating and blood pressure would be much higher...btw, she is a cop here in Berlin and I am sure there are many guys that would not mind getting body searched by her...

I'll keep that info in mind for when I'm in Berlin again. I'll try to look suspicious! lol!