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How To Make It Through The Hard Times as an Artist

The life of an artist is often romanticized as living a dream. But what often gets lost in that framing is that the road to happiness more often resembles a roller coaster than a straight line.

10 Essential Questions Every Photographer Should Ask Before Starting the New Year

Is your art good? Is it mediocre? Is it expected? Are you surprising yourself? Have you seen growth in your craft, or are you simply doing the same thing? Are you proud of your body of work in 2023? As artists, sometimes, we get so busy in art-making that we don’t take the time to evaluate our art. I’ve crafted these 10 questions as an evaluation tool for you to pause in the process of art-making and to congratulate yourself, correct yourself, and direct yourself.

Charting a Path to Creative Independence: A Photographer's Journey from London to Bali

The quest for a sustainable work-life balance and creative evolution is a journey many photographers (and others) aspire to. This pursuit is not just about capturing stunning visuals; it's about achieving a lifestyle that harmonizes passion and livelihood. This interesting video shares the inspiring story of a photographer who relocated from London to Bali, seeking not only to diversify their portfolio but also to establish economic independence as a remote creative professional.

Three Things I Love About Photography

Regardless of my own personal passions, an objective man would say that all art is created equally. So, why is it that I have chosen photography as one of my main means of expression?

Breaking Free From the Photo Business Rollercoaster

Why are you a photographer? You probably didn’t get into this thing assuming it was a get rich quick scheme or for status and power. More likely than not, you love taking photos, being around people, and the excitement of running your own business.

Helpful Advice for Approaching Your Photography Clients

At some point in any photographer’s career, I am pretty sure you will at some point come across clients who will just send in inquiry with zero context asking how much you charge for a photoshoot. There is no way we could have possibly been able to provide an accurate project cost estimate without having any information on a project scope to establish the parameters. These types of clients are those that keep me awake at night, not because I am incapable of delivering but because these clients will have unrealistic expectations of what we can deliver.

Next thing you...

Four Photo Business Traps

In the ever-evolving world of photography, finding lucrative and sustainable income streams remains a paramount concern for professionals in the field. This excellent video features an experienced pro discussing four business traps photographers fall into and how to avoid them yourself.

Unlocking the Potential of Selling Photography Prints

In an age where digital art and photography are increasingly consumed appreciated, many photographers, professionals, and hobbyists alike, contemplate venturing into the world of selling their prints online. This video sheds light on this journey, offering valuable insights and practical advice for those looking to transform their photographic talents into income.

5 Important Skills for Budding Professional Photographers

Working to become a professional photographer takes a lot of careful study and practice, with the ability to juggle multiple skills at the same time. If that is your current pursuit, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced photographer sharing five skills budding professionals need to learn.

Here's Why AI Headshots Are Great for Photographers

Since the introduction of AI-generated headshots, many have been lamenting the inevitable end of our industry, forecasting doom and gloom across every online forum almost on a daily basis. But one photographer isn’t afraid, and in fact, he believes that AI technology is actually good for headshot photographers and ultimately will strengthen our industry.

Want to Start Getting Paid for Your Photography? Follow This Formula

Aspiring photographers often hit a wall when trying to transition from hobbyist to professional work. It's one thing to take nice photos for fun, but landing those first paid gigs requires a strategic approach and understanding of what a client needs, not just what you like to shoot. The fantastic video tutorial boils down a simple yet effective formula any beginner can follow to start photographing local small businesses and getting paid.

Alert for Photographers: Package Theft Soars to Record Levels

As the holiday season approaches, the Better Business Bureau has issued a warning to photographers, revealing that package theft is currently "at an all-time high." This troubling trend is a cause for concern, especially as we anticipate an increase in package deliveries during this busy holiday season.

SEO for Photographers: 7 Tips to Boost Your Website

Here's the thing, they don't really teach SEO in school, do they? You can read about SEO until you're blue in the face, but the real learning? That happens when you're actually in the trenches, optimizing websites, figuring out what clicks and what flops.

3 Photography Business Tips I Learned Consulting $1,000,000 Companies

As photographers, we just want to photograph. But if you want to make a living in the world of photography, you need to know how to work the business side of things as well. This often means dealing with clients, understanding marketing concepts, and learning how to create and optimize websites.

Three Things I Look For When Hiring Crew Members

As the scope of your projects grow, so will your team, and it’s important to surround yourself with the best possible team to ensure the best possible end product. But how do you go about choosing the right people?

Know Your Ceiling: A Crucial Pricing Technique

One of the most difficult yet critical questions for aspiring photography pros is: how do you set your prices the right way? While many have methods based on costs, time, or arbitrary tiers, this great video tutorial outlines a market-driven approach rooted in financial sustainability.

Someone Please Save Us Photographers From All These Subscriptions

Photographers today face a troubling predicament – essential software like Adobe Creative Cloud can only be accessed through expensive subscriptions plans. The era of purchasing permanent software licenses has been replaced by never-ending monthly rental payments. While companies tout this as convenient and necessary, the reality is that recurring subscriptions disproportionately squeeze photographers while padding corporate profits.

How One Photographer Landed Clients Like the New York Times

Being good with a camera and having creative vision is, of course, crucial to finding professional success, but it is not enough. Knowing how to land and retain high-impact clients is one of the most important skills a professional can have. This great video essay features an experienced photographer discussing how he has landed clients like the New York Times in the course of a storied career.

Important Truths About Being a Professional Photographer

Being a photographer can be a challenging but rewarding career, but it is not without risks one should be aware of before they choose to enter it. This fantastic video essay features an experienced commercial photographer discussing some important truths about being a professional that every creative should be aware of.

How to Improve Your Branding for a Successful Photography Career

Branding is more than just a logo, it is the vision and delivery of your business, which, in photography, is very important. Whether you are a wedding, newborn, portrait, or product photographer, having the right branding is a key element to getting great clients through the door and optimizing your services. In this video by boudoir photographer Michael Sasser, he takes us through some great tips and tricks.

Important Advice for Budding Photo Professionals

Making the transition from hobbyist to professional takes a lot more than simply being good with a camera, and it is important to enter it with the right idea of what to prioritize. This great video essay features an experienced commercial photographer discussing some important topic, particularly the balance of technical and creative as a professional, and how to thread the needle to maximize your chances of finding success.

3 Ways To Improve Your Photography Today

Despite what social media may tell you, there is no such thing as a magic path to success. But what are some concrete steps you can take to reach your goal of becoming a successful artist?

How to Price Your Photo Prints

Pricing is something many photographers struggle with. While things like camera settings can be quantified and are, thus, easier to learn in a way, pricing can be a nebulous and tricky thing to nail down. So, when it comes to selling prints, how do you set your prices? This helpful video tutorial features an experienced photographer sharing some useful advice sure to put you on the right track.

The Wedding Photographer Dilemma: To Share or Not To Share?

In my nine years as a wedding photographer, it was commonplace for other wedding vendors to request access to the entire wedding gallery. They often wanted to use my photos to showcase their work at the wedding. This practice has left me with mixed feelings, and I'm eager to hear your opinions.

Two Common Photography Pricing Mistakes

Pricing is one of the trickiest aspects of being a professional photographer, and there are no hard and fast rules on how to go about setting yours to ensure you bring in the most income from your work. Nonetheless, there are some important principles every photographer should understand. This helpful video tutorial features an experienced pro discusses two common pricing mistakes photographers make and how to fix them.

Why You Should Become Your Own Photography Customer

Whether you are a professional or a hobbyist, going through a period where you are not feeling creatively inspired can be incredibly frustrating. So, what can you do to break out of that and get back to making photos that make you and your clients happy? Sometimes, the best solution is to become your own customer.

One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your Photography Business

Photographers generally like to focus on objective things: camera settings, lighting ratios, finances, etc. It is only natural to want to put your attention toward easily quantifiable things. However, that is not all it takes to find success as a professional. This fantastic video essay features an experienced pro discussing a subtler but crucially important skill all aspiring professionals need to develop.

How This Photographer Made Six Figures in a Single Month With Less Than 20 Clients

For many photographers, the pursuit of passion is often overshadowed by the looming fear of financial instability. Visions of artistic fulfillment are frequently interrupted by sleepless nights, wondering if next month’s bills will be covered. In a saturated market where every other person with a camera considers themselves a photographer, standing out and making a comfortable living can seem like an elusive dream. But what if amidst these swirling doubts, you came across a story so compelling, it reignites the fire in your belly and renews your faith in the power of persistence and innovation?

Is It Time to Shift Your Focus From Your Skill to Your Soil?

As artists, we tend to channel our time and energy into becoming better at our craft. We learn more complex lighting setups, take advanced classes in retouching, buy the latest “must-have” gadgets, and try to bring it all together to improve our skills. We do it all because we have a fundamental belief that, “If I am the best, I will be the most successful”. Have you ever found yourself doing that, pouring months, and sometimes years into ameliorating your craft, but you still have not seen the corresponding financial or opportunity growth you expected?

Advice for Landing Your First Paid Photoshoot

There are few things in your journey as a budding photography as exciting as landing your first paid shoot, but how to actually go about making that happen is anything but clear. If you are ready to start getting paid for your work but struggling to find a client, check out this helpful video tutorial that offers some actionable advice on how to land your first photoshoot.

What Are the Worst Red Flags When Hiring a Photographer?

Whether you're hiring a photographer for your wedding, getting a headshot, or even hiring a second shooter as a photographer yourself, it can be daunting. So, what are the worst red flags you ought to be wary of when hiring a photographer?

11 Ways I Maintain Focus and Productivity as a Professional Photographer

Concentration and focus are among the most crucial skills to master as a freelancer and photographer. Being productive in your workspace is the key to gaining an edge over others when it comes to the basics. In this article, I have collected 11 of my best hacks for maintaining daily productivity.

Why I Love a Wood Box for Prints

In the digital age of photography, the imaging process has almost become effortless. Professional photographers can struggle to stand out in the crowded market. Although creating outstanding images is crucial to succeed in this craft of photography, photographers should take into consideration the final step of delivering those printed images.

Why Cheap Clients Will Bury You: The False Economy of Anything Over Nothing

When you first start monetizing your photography or videography, you may quickly fall into the desperate scramble for jobs, particularly if you're looking to do it full-time. There is an issue that arises if you aren't selective with your work going forward, however, and it can be seriously damaging.
We Review The Automated Blog Generator From Focal

If you’re like me, then writing a blog for your website is probably the last thing on your mind. But content creation doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, it can be downright simple.

The Artist's Paradox

In a career where our job is literally to be creative, sometimes the one thing you don’t get to be is… creative.

A Photographer's Guide to Protecting Your Business and Client Relationships

Running a photography business is not as easy as you would like to think it is. A very common misconception starting in this industry would be thinking that you will be successful if you are good at taking photographs. While it was probably true decades ago, the steep competition and the change of industry landscape these days pushes the difficulty to the next level. In this article, we will be discussing an ongoing issue about client ghosting that has become increasingly common and continues to bug the industry as a whole.

Hard Truths About Photography in 2023

Photography is a very popular business to get into, but a very difficult one in which to make a stable, successful living. Why is that? What does it take to be a successful professional? This insightful video essay features a seasoned pro discussing what it takes to find success in 2023.