Recent Social Media Articles

Why Instagram Should Hide Follower Counts and Why It Never Will

Instagram appears to be in the process of rolling out a surprising change to its platform: hiding the number of times that a post has been liked. While the internet giant claims that it’s making the change in to help us focus on the thing we love, the truth is different. If it really wants to improve things, it should go one step further and hide follower counts too. You can be sure, however, that it never will.

By Renaming Instagram, Facebook Is Making a Mistake

In a move that makes you want to check the calendar, it’s reported that Facebook is about to change the name of Instagram to “Instagram From Facebook.” Why is Facebook suddenly so keen to remind users of the app who is in control, and is it a mistake?

Photographer Finds Himself the Subject of a Social Media Witch Hunt After Taking Photos at a Fair, Accused of Pedophilia

A Californian street photographer awoke to find himself the subject of a vicious, viral Facebook post filled with accusations that contained photos of his face. The post referred to him as a “P.O.S.” and insinuated he was a pedophile after he spent the afternoon documenting strangers, including families, at a county fair the day previous.

Why Don't Fashion Designers Credit Models?

I'm an obsessive Instagram user and, as I run an account in the fashion niche, I'm often looking at the pages of big brands. Something has been bothering me for a long while, and it's this: why don't designers tag their models?

When Did Instagram Become Joyless?

I remember my first post to Instagram. As an Android user, I had to wait until April 3, 2012 before I could get the app, but when I did, I excitedly uploaded my first photo, the Nashville skyline with the seemingly appropriate Nashville filter. I was hooked.

Instagram Deletes Dozens of Accounts With Millions of Followers Without Warning

Instagram recently deleted dozens of accounts, some with up to 13 million followers, in a mass purge that focused on meme accounts. The company did not give any explanation for the suspensions beyond "violations of terms of service," but there are several theories as to why the accounts were removed.

Time to Say Goodbye to Instagram and Hello to Dayflash

Let's really be honest here, Facebook and Instagram have changed the rules enough times now that it's driven most of the fun out of the social media platforms and it's long been time for a change. Instagram used to be great for photographers but has since become an almost pointless endeavor for anyone that doesn't already have 100,000 followers or more.

Model Accuses Kardashian Photographer Marcus Hyde of Bribing for Nude Photos

Photographer Marcus Hyde, who has worked with such celebrities as Kim Kardashian and Ariana Grande, has been the subject of several allegations of sexual misconduct in the wake of an Instagram post by a model claiming he attempted to bribe her with a free photoshoot in exchange for nude photos of herself.

Wedding Photographers Called 'Abusive' and 'Unprofessional' for Refusing to Work With Influencer for Free

A pair of British wedding photographers have found themselves called “unprofessional” and “appalling” after declining to work for an influencer for free. A PR rep of the influencer had requested 1,000 photos and two videos, and in return would offer their followers a 25% off the photographers’ services — a discount the photographers don’t even offer.

The Case for Influencers and Why They Can Be Valuable to You

Recently, there has been a viral story going around about an ice cream truck doubling the cost for influencers. The anti-influencer perspective is real and understandable, but I wanted to write about the other perspective. Can influencers be useful for you and your business?

A Lack of Curation: Lost on the Internet

With so many images being created and pushed out into the internet it’s starting to look like the Pacific garbage patch. Instagram had so much promise in the early part of its evolution, but hashtags are watered down or filled with ads and mis-labeled images that don’t belong. Where do we go now to look at a tight collection of great photography? Even if I took out the axe and started pruning the people I follow on Instagram the ads and sponsored images would infiltrate my feed and my feed would look no better.

This Ice Cream Truck Is so Fed up With Instagram Influencers That It Charges Them Double

Social media influencers are known for drawing the ire of photographers and other businesses when they request free products and services in exchange for that ever-nebulous thing known as "exposure." Fed up with the ridiculous requests he has received, the owner of a famous L.A. ice cream truck has made it his new policy that influencers pay double.

The Problem With Instagram and How It Undersells Your Photography

Nowadays, the majority of photographers have an Instagram account to showcase their work, while some even use it as their primary portfolio. But while the platform is certainly a great tool to get your work in front of the masses, it's not perfect, and this thought-provoking video essay explores one of the subtler reasons why.

Model Suffers First Degree Burns in Fire Photoshoot That Went Wrong

A Canadian woman is warning other models of the dangers of risky shoots, after she was left with both 1st and 2nd degree burns across her body during a shoot that involved fire. The incident occurred after she responded to an online advert appealing for freelance models in the area. This article contains photos of burn injuries.

How to Spot an Instagram Account That's Been Buying Followers (With Examples)

In today’s social media, followers have become currency with the most popular Instagrammers wielding a lot of power. It’s no surprise that many unscrupulous users have been tempted into buying their prominence rather than earning it. Fortunately, there are now quick and easy ways to spot those who are trying to cheat their way to social media success.

Madonna Criticises Instagram, Says It's Designed to 'Make You Feel Bad'

In a frank new interview, Madonna has voiced her concerns about the effects of Instagram. The 60-year-old says she feels bad for upcoming artists who have to constantly compare themselves to others, and says the photo-sharing app is designed to “make you feel bad.”

Three Ways to Ignite Your Creative Spark and Boost Your Productivity

Hearing photographers talking about creative burnout or feeling in a creative slump is not rare anymore. It seems like everyone is dealing with it on a regular basis. What if I told you there are easy techniques to get more productive and creative at the same time?

No, Brendan van Son Is Not Giving His Photos to Starbucks for Free

Last week Fstoppers published my opinion piece on photographer Brendan van Son’s suggestion that he would give his images to Starbucks for free. Van Son has just produced a very classy response to the article in this short video and looks into the complexities of how images are shared on Instagram.

Facebook Responds to Photographers' Pushback Against Nudity Ban

On Wednesday, June 5th 2019, the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) announced that Facebook would reconsider its controversial policy on nude images posted to its social network. As it stands, nudity on Facebook may only be depicted in paintings or sculptures, not in photographs, artistic or otherwise.

Why I Share Trade Secrets on Instagram

Photography is a very secretive industry at times, but a few years ago I decided to share everything and answer any questions via instagram.

Why the Hell Would You Give Your Photos to Starbucks for Free?

A successful travel photographer recently announced that he would willingly give his photos to Starbucks to use on Instagram for free, as long as they weren’t marketing a product. I was so shocked that I almost spat out my coffee.

New Documentary Exposes How People Cheat at Instagram

A new 49-minute documentary has been released with the aim of exposing the “shocking” goings-on that happen beneath the surface of Instagram. The film promises to delve into the “lawless economics” of the social media site.

Are You Guilty of These Five Big Composition Mistakes?

What's the most important thing to master in photography? I asked this question to ten photographers and eight gave the same answer: composition. More than gear or technical know-how, understanding composition and avoiding common errors that many people make will help you improve your photography more than anything else.

Organically Grow Your Instagram

Instagram isn't for everyone, this is true, but if you are looking grow your social media account with viable and engaged followers then this one is for you.

Are Deaths by Selfie an 'Epidemic'?

There is no denying that we live in a selfie-obsessed culture; just go, well, anywhere, and you'll see selfies being taken. A recent study in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care found over 250 verified "deaths by selfie" from October 2011 to November 2017, with a mean age of almost 23 years old. Has the fascination with recording ourselves wherever we go gone too far?

New Instagram Account That's Shaming The Folks Who Treat Public Lands Like Crap

How many of you have ever been to a national park or hiking trail only to find people disregarding the rules and trails all in pursuit of an ever better selfie or photo for Instagram? Then check out this Instagram account that's getting traction right now for calling out those very people and their bad behavior.

Instagram: The Death of Original Perception and Photographs

I recently read an insightful Instagram post, made by Outside magazine. In this post, creative director Emma Sheffer spoke of a loss of originality and the current saturation of homogeneity in Instagram feeds. With her comments, I couldn't agree more.