Recent Social Media Articles

Instagram Finally Brings Messaging Ability to Desktop

If there is anything that annoys me about Instagram, it is definitely the inability to respond to direct messages on a desktop computer. Thankfully, the company has finally brought the ability to read and respond to direct messages to the web version of the app.

What Does 'Unique' Mean in Regards to Photography And Videography?

How important is it to be unique when creating your work and building upon that? What does it even mean to be unique when talking about something subjective like artwork? To what degree is standing out tied to one's ability to show uniqueness?

Influencer Fakes Extravagant Bali Vacation by Going to IKEA

It is no secret that the lives of influencers can be a bit, well, manufactured, but sometimes, we need a reminder of that. One influencer showed just how easily people can buy into all the hype by faking an entire trip to Bali by doing nothing more than going to her local IKEA.

Want Followers? You Need to Think About What Your Value Is to Them

Social media has an infinite, universal audience. But as you define your niche, your potential audience becomes smaller and smaller. Not everyone is interested in macro photography of sand, so how do you maximize your audience? By understanding what your potential value is to your followers.

Ten Creators to Watch on TikTok

A lot of people think TikTok is juvenile, or have not even heard of it. Yet, after 1 billion downloads and upwards of 500 million monthly users, the app is on the map.

Your Photography Is Worthless: This Is Why!

The concept of working for “credit” is not a new one, nor is it unique to photography. Yet, it is one of the few industries that everyone thinks should work for free.

What You Should Know About Instagram as a Wildlife Photographer

As a wildlife photographer on Instagram, your feed is likely constantly filled with amazing animal images. On the good days, this can be absolutely inspiring and you may learn a thing or two. The times when you aren’t having much luck in the field, however, an Instagram feed can be a harsh place that makes you doubt your own progress and your work.

Nick Page Thinks That He Sucks? An Important Message for Everyone

In a personal and heartfelt video, one of the most talented landscape photographers around talks about his recent struggles with his own mental health in relation to content creation and the ultimately meaningless pursuit of likes on social media.

Heartwarming Christmas Commercial Shot for $130

Every year, there seems to be a holiday commercial that captures the minds and hearts of the viewers. Ads like Coca-Cola's polar bears or the Budweiser Clydesdales in a New England winter come to mind. But this holiday season, a little YouTube video is capturing the hearts of the public, and it only cost $130 to produce.

Father Punishes Daughter by Taking Over Her Instagram, Ends up Adding 10,000 Followers With Hilarious Results

When a teen was caught by her parents letting boys into a sleepover, they gave her a choice of punishment for the crime: she could either give up her phone for a month or give up the phone for two weeks, but also give them control of all her social media. Apparently, an extra two weeks was just too long, because dad had a blast on her Instagram, and the results are hilarious.

Why Is Instagram’s Explore Tab so Terrible?

Facebook recently published an article on its Artificial Intelligence blog explaining the complex processes that are used to select content for Instagram’s Explore tab. Given the technical genius and intricate programming involved, why is this Explore tab so bad and damaging to content creators?

Add 10K Followers Per Week On Instagram, Without Buying Them

Gaining followers on social media can sometimes feel like getting stuck on a hamster wheel — a whole lot of effort to get nowhere. Chris Do, of The Futur, aims to make that effort pay off for you and help you launch your social media following into the stratosphere by adding 10,000 followers per week — without buying them.

Photographer Forced to Spend Hours Photoshopping Lines From Wedding Photos, Issues Warning That Lasers Can Ruin Sensors

A wedding photographer returned home to make a grim discovery: the images from the wedding she had just spent the day shooting had two lines running throughout them. Upon doing some research, she found the lasers from the dance floor lighting had caused the damage, meaning she had to spend hours removing the lines in Photoshop and buy a new sensor.

How a Photography Trend Evolved Over the Last Century

Photography trends abound; some are fleeting, while others come and go over the decades, never completely disappearing. We don't often stop to look at where they started or realize that we are participating in something even bigger than us.

Chris Brown Lifts Visual Artist's Work, Posts to His 58 Million Followers Uncredited

A Skillshare-endorsed visual artist received a direct message on Instagram informing him that musician Chris Brown had posted his work without a single mention of where it had come from. The artist had made the image in question available to download for free from his website, provided credit is given, but Brown failed to do that.

Security Expert Warns Against Making V-Sign in Photos, Claims Fingerprints Can Be Lifted From Social Media Pictures

Displaying a “peace” V-sign when having a picture taken has become a staple pose for many in recent years. However, a new Chinese cybersecurity expert is warning that advances in camera phone technologies could mean the public is uploading photos to social media in high enough quality for it to be possible to “extract enough detail to make a perfect copy.”

Maximizing Social Media Without Doing Anything New

Posting on social media can be tough. Sometimes it feels like there’s nothing new to share at all. Maybe the problem is you’re not using all the opportunities out there. You might be missing some ways to squeeze more juice out of the content orange.

The Decline of Instagram: Should Photographers Start Using Other Platforms?

One of the things that I've noticed over the last year on Instagram is just how little of an effect most of my efforts make. A few years ago, we were quite literally receiving thousands of likes and hundreds of new followers daily. Today, I'm lucky if I get anywhere near a hundred likes on new posts, and my follower count remains pretty stagnant.

A Unique Instagram Solution for 4:5 Images

When it comes to posting your portrait orientated images on Instagram, you are forced to confine your work into their 4:5 ratio. There are a few options including cropping, resizing your work, or using a third-party app to make it fit. Here's a unique solution that also includes optimal upload settings for Instagram.

Understanding Engagement on Instagram With the Flyer Theory

Instagram is a community, and you’re just working inside it. You need to understand that posting a photo with the right hashtags isn’t enough; it’s like putting a flyer on a board with thousands of other flyers. How can you stand out?

Brand Ambassadors Wanted: A New Era for Scammers

In the age of Instagram, if you can rock a floppy sun hat and big Hollywood sunglasses and have at least 3,000 followers, then you have a voice big enough to represent any number of companies, but being a brand ambassador isn’t all beach-side sangrias and posing with vibrant murals: scam artists have found Instagram, and the perpetrators are plentiful.

Animate Your Portraits Easily With This iOS App

It's no secret that producing still as well as motion gives any photographer an edge over his competition. As the years go by, creating animated content is getting increasingly more accessible. In this article, I review Flugo, an iOS app that turns any still portrait into an eye-catching motion shot.

Your Guide to Finding Crazy Instagram Photography Hashtags

I have no idea where some of the trends are born from when it comes to hashtags, but with Instagram search and related hashtags feature, you can follow the breadcrumbs and grab a number of fresh tags you would never think of on your own.