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New Zodiac Signs

In a bizarre turn of events, the UNESCO, a body more accustomed to preserving cultural heritage than meddling with horoscopes, stunned the astrological world with an announcement that would shake the foundations of cosmic divination:

The old traditional zodiac signs are out.
Ten new, bizarrely animalistic ones are in!

The news was met with uproar from traditional astrologers, who decried UNESCO's audacity in tampering with millennia-old cosmic wisdom. But UNESCO stood firm, insisting that the new zodiac signs were more accurate, reflecting the modern human condition with its blend of animalistic instincts and intellectual pursuits.

And now, presenting the ten brand-new UNESCO-approved zodiac signs:
The Elephant
The Giraffe
The Proboscis Monkey
The Rhino
The Rabbit
The Secretary Bird
The Alligator
The Turtle
The French Bulldog
The Rooster
On fstopper I am inclined to tease you with one only: "The elephant" :)

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