SLR Lounge Interviews Lee Morris from Fstoppers

For the last 1.5 years Patrick and I have been filming our next massive project; a 10-12 hour long tutorial on all things wedding photography. To put the finishing touches on this, "DVD" we wanted to interview 2 very established wedding photographers that have completely different business models from ours. For the first interview I flew out to California to talk with Pye from Lin and Jirsa Weddings. Afterwards Pye decided to interview me for his second business, SLR

Pye was kind enough to allow us to stay at his house and after hanging out for 4 days we really got to know each other. It was a shocking to learn how much we have in common personally but how differently we run our businesses. Pye and his partners run their businesses like a machine. On an average week day they could have over 12 people working in their offices, many of them are on full time salary. My average week day involves going wakeboarding and then watching some TV. Obviously Fstoppers requires a bit of time each day but my wedding photography business usually does not.

Patrick and I are still working hard every day on our wedding DVD and we are hoping to release it before the end of the year. We also have designed a new lighting modifier which we are also trying to release within the next few months. We actually just got our 3rd prototype in the mail today. Basically we have a lot of exciting things that are about to happen and in 2013 we hope to get back to the basics and focus on more Fstoppers Original Videos.



Lee Morris's picture

Lee Morris is a professional photographer based in Charleston SC, and is the co-owner of

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Loved it! Can't wait for the DVD to be released (hopefully it won't be more expensive than Peter Hurley's)!

I believe we have decided to make it the same price of $300 but it will come with a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee (just like the Hurley DVD). We don't want anyone to have to pay for it if they don't think it was worth the price. It will probably 2 or 3 times the length of the Hurley DVD as well. 

Also, over time we will be releasing sections of the DVD for free on Fstoppers that will help average people with their photography. All of the talk about running a business may be more than 50% of the tutorial and wouldn't be interesting to a hobbyist.

Sounds great! I loved Peter Hurley's DVD and it was worth every penny. I can't see that one not being worth the 300$ :)

Awesome interview. Not only was it educational, but it was also motivating to see that you dont have to follow the masses to make it in this industry. 

The Hurley DVD was worth so much more than it's price tag.  If this Wedding Tutorial is even half the quality of that DVD (and I have no doubt it will be) then $300 is an absolute STEAL.  You guys rock and I can't wait!!  

Thanks so much Kyle, that really means a lot to us. 

Good to see you don't have to listen to people saying do this don't do that it just boils down to what you make work for you.

A new tutorial DVD is interesting but "We also have designed a new lighting modifier" what really intrigues me. Can't wait to see what this device looks like and what it does. 


Uh oh, looks like the cat is halfway out of the bag :)

great interview guys, both sides of the coin eh, Lee i'm suprised you said you don't do albums, not even in your 13k package ?? we only shoot for albums, i couldn't bare to think of a disc of my images  languishing in a draw or just posted to facebook.
I don't think there's a greater feeling than seeing a finished album and then delivering i to the couple and watcning their faces when they open it.....priceless
Have you and Patrick got any plans to visit UK again ?

"I" don't make them but I have a professional album designer that works with me now. She takes over after some of my weddings and creates albums. That still may be only about 20% of my weddings though. 

You and Patrick have done an amazingly awesome job.
Patrick and Lee thank you both for doing what you do. :-)

There is NO way 'anybody' will produce an equal or better educational 'extravaganza' as
Sir Peter Hurley did ... to this day I still believe Peter himself didn't realise the amount of quality content he was putting on that DVD for such a silly price ... in a world of 50 cent marketeers flooding us with content diarrhoea feeds Peter's openness and insights seem outrageous  and defiant  .. in fairness we can truly say Peter Hurly is God.

Having said that if this DVD is half as good as Peter's we are up for a treat !

from the stance of running a business and learning practically everything needed to start a wedding business as well as take great photos at a wedding, I think this could be bigger!  Peter does have some massive shoes to fill (have you seen them btw!)

I can tell you first hand, if Lee releases a DVD on what he does for weddings, it will be worth it.  Those guys are the definition of what a wedding photographer should be.  I don't think a single bride hasn't cried at his shots.

Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this this morning. Looking forward to the DVD.

This is great! At first, couldn't believe how long the video was but I ended up enjoying every minute. Thank you so much for posting!