Critique the Community

Portraits of Senior Citizens

Submit Your Best Portraits of Senior Citizens For Critique
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 14 Mar 20 02:00:00 +0000

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1.38 - "Snap Shot" 

Wood chopping at 89 years old. Dan Castle is an icon of the Australian wood chopping circuit. This was Dan's last wood chop. I was there to photograph him for the local historical society not knowing it would be his last chop. Dan is still going strong at 93. Although he has ceased chopping he works with some locals keeping there gardens in order. He regularly uses a brush cutter, and even though he is considered to be blind he never seems to cut the plants instead of the weeds. Two weeks after this shot was taken I took him horse riding. He spent an hour in the saddle. He does the physical work 4 days a week, and this summer most days were around the 35c. He just keeps going, you gotta love this bloke.

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A formal portrait of this gentleman would be awesome- hat and axe, bandages on arms too. I want to see his eyes, and don't want to see the distracting background. Unfortunately as a portrait this really doesn't work all that well.

Thank you for your advise. I appreciate it and will do what you have suggested.