CGI-Filled Jurassic World Super Bowl Spot Creates Whole New Look for the Franchise

Whether you're a fan of the Jurassic Park franchise or not, it's going to continue to be pushed in hopes of reaching the status of the original blockbuster by Steven Spielberg. A tall order indeed, but with the first trailer slightly sparking my interest, it was the newest CGI-filled update during the Super Bowl that really brought me back to that first movie's excitement and unpredictability.

Technology in moviemaking today, CGI specifically, has become more elaborate and straight remarkable in most people's eyes. It brings an element of drama we don't notice at first. Making it almost impossible to tell which parts are real or fake, the newest Jurassic World spot during the Super Bowl illustrates that point perfectly. This simple fact helps bring us into that world and believe what we are seeing is real, much like the original did.

Just a few short months away from the release of the new film — which is a reboot of sorts hoping to spark life back into the franchise — we see a new teaser that on the surface looks the same, but is dramatically different with slight additions of CGI in various spots. The ad places more context to the scenes from the first trailer, including park goers running for their lives with an added flock of pterodactyls overhead. Paired with a few extra scenes of Chris Pratt running for his life and training velociraptors, you also see the Sea World style feeding of a great white shark in greater detail. The scene was fundamentally altered to have more background, more realistic water and splashing, and a darker, more contrasted dino coming from the waters.

These simple updates were what brought more detail and realism to the scenes, and drama back to something many will want to go see. Like the original raptor scene in the kitchen from Jurassic Park, it is filled with the drama and shock that brings to life a movie filled with something that simply doesn't exist. Whether you believe in the repeated attempt to revive movie franchises or not, this one is shaping up to be a great refresh.

With the CGI changes, I feel more excited about this movie going forward, and that is what the progression of advertising and exposing these trailers is suppose to do. Along with the addition of Pratt and a strong supporting cast, I can see this one bringing a fresh new look and audience to the franchise come June.

[via Wired]

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Andrew Griswold is a photographer and designer based in Indianapolis. Born and raised in Indy he has made a name for himself by staying very active in the creative community in both photography and design. He has also founded a community of photographers via Instagram connecting them with brands to work with and shoot locally.

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Looks like they're still missing the feathers on the dinosaurs in both versions. I predict they're working on those final touches before the release :-)

Ha, I actually had a sneak peak at the first dino found with skin and "hair" preserved at the local Childrens Museum in Indy. Its quite the site and is on display now. They were taking about the holes in the skin you can see where feathers would have been coming from. Pretty wild how they can determine all that.

Oh man, I can only imagine. Have you seen the latest iteration of what T-Rex looked like?

Poor fella. He went from being the king of prehistoric monsters to a twisted, overgrown rooster.

Maybe due to the genetic engineering with mostly frog DNA, the feather-growing gene was disabled :)

Okay I'm paying attention :)

What made Jurassic Park so awesome was the fact they actually built the dinosaurs... im afraid of that CGI version

I was looking into it and it seems they grabbed a good portion of animatronic dinos too. Will see how far they took that though in final. Ha

Im not sure what you are getting at here, but the majority of the dinosaurs in the first Jurassic Park were pure CGI. It was a benchmark movie in the CGI community.

Pratt teaming up with raptors?! Ridiculous? Awesome? Yes!

Pterodactyls picking off humans? I'm in