Mike Kelley Photography Tutorials

About Mike Kelley

Michael Kelley (mpkelley.com) is a Los Angeles-based architectural and fine art photographer with a background in digital art and sculpture. Using his backgrounds in the arts, he creates images that are surreal and otherworldly, yet lifelike and believable. A frequent traveler, Michael's personal work focuses on the built environment of unique

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[Video] Wingsuit Flying: The Reason That GoPros Were Created

Halvor Angvik and Jeff Nebelkopf created this video with the help of Red Bull and JokkeSommer. The fact that Red Bull sponsored it should tell you all that you need to know: It's absolutely incredible. I've seen some crazy wingsuit stunts before, but

[Wildlife] Amazing, Intimate Shots of Lions In Their Natural Habitat

Brothers Will and Matt Burrard-Lucas make quite the team. They're wildlife photographers based in Britain who have devised some clever means to get closer to some of the world's most dangerous animals. In 2009, they created a remote-controlled camera nicknamed BeetleCam and set out to photograph animals in their natural habitat. Armed with the knowledge they gained from the first trip, they went back a second time, and their results are nothing short of stunning.

BTS: The Anatomy Of A Luxury Hotel Penthouse Photograph

A few weeks ago Pat, Lee, Lauren and myself went to the Bahamas to get ready for the upcoming Fstoppers Workshop. While we were there, we wanted to film some kind of architectural photography tutorial video, and we're happy to share that it's finally ready. The Atlantis Resort is giving us an all-access pass to photograph anything at the resort for the workshop, and

You Will Never Be Ready for Your First Kickstarter Campaign, and That's Okay (Part 2)

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A Great Demonstration Of The Difference Between Raw And H.264 Video

Dave Dugdale of LearningDSLRVideo.com just published this great demonstration of the differences between recording video in raw and H.264 formats using Canon DSLRs and free Magic Lantern firmware. The difference is pretty astounding to me, as someone who has only ever shot video in H.264.

This Street View Hyperlapse Is The Coolest Thing You Will See This Month

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Behind The Scenes At Sigma: An Unexpectedly Captivating Tour Of Their Aizu, Japan Factory

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Kamil Tamiola Shows Us How To Create Awesome Nighttime Images

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Incredible New Technique of 'Video Light Painting' Raises The Light Painting Bar...Again

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[BTS/Interview] Behind The Scenes With Photography's Most Interesting Company: LensRentals.com

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you’re probably familiar with LensRentals.com, which is one of the most popular camera gear rental shops in the world, if not the most popular. We recently had the chance to sit down with the LensRentals team and learn everything about what just might be photography’s most fascinating company.

[OMG] Nikon Uses 5d2, Phantom HD Footage To Promote D800

In what must be one of the largest faux-pas in camera news ever, Nikon has used footage shot on Canon 5d Mark IIs and what appears to be a Phantom HD camera to promote their D800. But it doesn't end there. Not only did they use footage from their competitors' cameras in the ad, but they also allegedly did not ask permission to use that footage in the first place. Get the scoop after the jump.

BTS: Building An Architectural Interior Photograph From The Ground Up

In today's post, I'm going to walk you through how I build an architectural photograph from square one. We'll discuss composition, lighting, staging, styling, and posing models in an architectural interior in order to create the image that the client has in mind. Despite appearing as a rather simple image, this shot took over an hour to finish on location with multiple steps and a lot of pre-visualization.

The Things I Wish I Knew Before Launching My First Kickstarter Campaign

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